Q1 Plans Chapter 1 Page 1-3
- Details
- Category: Quickie Plans
- Published: Monday, 12 May 2008 12:27
- Written by Jun Su
- Hits: 15150
These Quickie plans have been specifically designed to educate you in the construction materials, their use, and to guide you through each step of assembly in the most efficient manner possible. It is our intent to drastically reduce the non completion rate* com on to homebuilt aircraft. with that in mind, we have:
- Preceded the plans with an education chapter intended to thoroughly acquaint you with the tools and materials. and how to use them.
- Laid out the plans in a detailed, step-by-step format to answer the question of "what do I do next?".
- Provided all appropriate information to each step adjacent to the words. Due to binding requirements, the larger drawings are grouped together in an appendix.
- Provided full-size templates where required, to avoid the work and confusion associated with scaling up drawings.
- Provided a complete kit from one source to eliminate time spent looking for materials.
- Identified the difficult to build items, and included them (prefabricated and ready to install)
- Set up our newsletter, "The Quickie Newsletter" as a continuing plans up- dating/correcting system. **
* Over 80% of homebuilt airplane construction projects started, are never finished and flown.
** Because plans updates occasionally are of a mandatory nature, a subscription to "The Quickie Newsletter" is mandatory for those building a Quickie.
Building Sequence
The nature of the type of Quickie structure requires that a part be left alone to cure for a longer period of time than that required to build it. Thus, you will find that when following the step-by-step order, you will often find yourself out of work, waiting for a cure. In most cases you can skip to another chapter and build another part while waiting. With a little planning and familiarity with the entire manual, you should be able to use all your time productively.
Please follow the following procedure if you do not understand something and need an answer. First of all, do not be concerned if you do not understand everything the first time you read through the plans. Many things that may not be obvious just reading the drawings, will be obvious when you have that portion of the airplane in front of you or have built a similar part in a previous chapter. Also, we will be able to help you better if you are looking at that portion of your airplane. So, do not ask for clarification until you are really working in that chapter. We have found through our Quickie experience that the majority of questions the homebuilder asks are already answered somewhere in the plans. We have made considerable effort in Be Quickie manual to make the information visible. If you do not understand something, study the words in the step, study the sketches and all related sections/views/photos, then look through the full size drawings that show that portion of V the airplaneezlf its a methods-type question, re-read the education chapter for clarification. If the answer is still not found, it may be that, that item is covered in detail in another chapter (there is some necessary overlap). It is possible that a question related to the operation of a part of the airplane or its maintenance is answered in you owners manual. Also, check your back issues of "The Quickie Newsletter" for plans updates or clarifications. OK, you have checked everything and you are still stumped. You can do one of three things:
- Ask a friend. Often a description of an item is unclear to one individual and clear to another.
- Write to Quickie Aircraft Corporation, leaving room on the paper under each question for our answer. INCLUDE A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE and INCLUDE YOUR AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER. we do our best to answer all such questions within two days of receipt. We cannot answer questions regarding the application of non-recommended materials or regarding non-approved modifications.
Quickie Aircraft Corporation
P.O. Box 786
Mojave, CA 93501- Call Quickie Aircraft Corporation: 805-824-43l3
Also let us know if you have found a better way of doing something. If we agree, we'll publish it in "The Quickie Newsletter" so that all Quickie builders can benefit. If it is ppg a good idea, we'll tell you why, ii you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Do keep us up to date on the progress of your project. Send us a black and white snap shot of your airplane for publication in "The Quickie Newsletter". Photos in the newsletter are particularly beneficial if they are of an area of the airplane that's not clearly shown with photos or sketches in the plans. Remember, the primary purpose of "The Quickie Newsletter" is to support your airplane project.
If you are not a member of The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), do join. This is the only organization who looks out for the homebuilder as far as FAA regulations are concerned. Membership in your local EAA can be extremely beneficial both in building your airplane and in meeting people who share your interests. Their monthly publication, "Sport Aviation." is worth the $20-per-year membership fee in itself. write to EAA, Box 229, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. EAA often publishes reports on builder's projects - send them photos and some words on your progress.