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- Category: QAC Newsletters
- Published: Tuesday, 12 December 2006 11:12
- Written by Quickie Aircraft Corporation
- Hits: 3066
Q2 BUILDER TIPS Number: Q2BT42 Date: 1 June, 1982 Page 6-1; second column; line eight should read: leather the UNI plies to the aluminum tube to remove the joggle. Number: Q2BT43 Date: 1 June, 1982 Mike Miller, a Q2 builder from Oregon, found that a brake cylinder hone available at most auto parts stores was useful for reaming the aileron reducers, aileron spacers, elevator reducers and elevator spacers. if necessary, for fitting the torque tubes. Number: Q2BT44 Date: 2 June, 1982 Page 5 1; MAIN WING, BLOO-BL5O Lt. and Ri. to save time later on, one can hot wire down the shear web after the mi tial template hot-wiring, rather than waiting until Chapter 9 of the plans. Number: Q2BT45 Date: 2 June, 1982 Prefab Fuel Tank: An observant builder noted that the scraps remaining after trimming the prefab fuel tank for installation, can be used to make those small stiffeners that mount to the fuselage sides and are used to mount the fuel tank to. Number: Q2BT46 Date: 2 June, 1982 Female Jigging Templates: Some builders find it easier to bevel the female jigging templates where the foam cores rest, so that the core rests flat with the template edge, rather than on an angle as indicated in the plans. Number: Q2BT47 Date: 2 June, 1982 Page 5-4; Vertical Fin: If Template 15 is longer than the available width of the foam block that it is nailed to, let the front of Template 15 hang off into space. Note on page 14-1 that the nose of the ertical fin is cut off where the fin mounts in the fuselage, so no problem is incurred by doing this on the hot-wiring. Number: Q2BT48 Date: 5 June, 1982 Tachometer: If your Q2 tach reads high by a sizable amount, snip the green wire loop on the back of the tach (if there is one). If the problem persists, try reversing the leads to the terminals. If that doesn’t work, the tach will need to be returned to Westhurn Manufacturing for repair/replacement under warranty. Number: Q2BT49 Date: 5 June, 1982 Fuel Header Tank Drain: It is desirable to have a water drain for the header tank. It is suggested that a simpleT be put in the fuel feed line coming out of the header tank toward the engine to facilitate draining any water out during the preflight. The T fitting and drain could be made accessible through the cowl flap. |
Number: Q2BT50 Date: 5 June, 1982 Canard WL for Mounting: None is given in the plans instead the canard should be mounted so that the bottom of the canard is flush with the bottom of the fuselage. A urethane foam constructed fairing may be necessary to obtain a streamlined fit. Number: Q2BT51 Date: 10 June, 1982 Mixture Control Travel: A minimum of 110 degrees of travel on the carburetor mounted mixture control lever is required for adequate cockpit mixture control. Number: Q2BT51 Date: 12 June, 1982 Canard Anhedral Angle: One builder is currently flying with too much anhedral angle in his canard lie modified the female canard jigging templates to fit the hot-wired bevel angle on the ends of the entr section. THIS IS WRONG! Canard anhedral angle determined by the cores resting in the female canard jigging templates. The junction of the center section and each inboard core must be sanded to achieve a close fit when the cores are located in the templates; not the other way around. Number: Q2BT52 Date: 18 June, 1982 The fuselage shells as shipped to the builder may have a thin skin of PVA on the outside skins. As in the case of any other bonding operation, the PVA must he removed by sanding prior to laminating the shells together. This is similar to sanding a surface prior to glassing to remove the buildup of greases, etc. If the builder does not do a proper job of sanding to remove the contaminants, the resulting bond may not be adequate. Number: Q28T53 Date: 18 June, 1982 When the spar caps on both the canard and main wing cross BLOO. they must change direction slightly because of the sweep of the wings. The UNI material will “turn the corner” easily using a little finesse. NEVER cut a spar cap into two pieces with a chordwise cut. This destroys the structural integrity. Number: Q2BT54 Date: 20 June, 1982 Several builders have asked if it is OK to reinforce the mounting of the phenolic bearing blocks by laminating fiberglass to them, overlapping onto the adjoining glass and foam. The an’,wer is yes, although additional work will he required to ream the holes for the torque tubes so that they will rotate freely. |
Number: Q2BT55 Date: 26 June, 1982 Several builders have sanded the tail spring BID layup away (see page 14-1 “Wrapping the Tailspring”) while fitting the tailspring to the QTW3. This can easily lead to failure of the tailspring in torsion. If the diameter of your tailspring must he reduced to fit inside QTW3, obtain a piece of steel tubing with an inside diameter large enough to slip over both the tailspring and QTW3 Cut a length about 3 inches long, and slip it over both the tailspring and QTW3. Use a longer bolt than the AN3-12A shown on Page 14-2 to attach the steel tube, QTW3, and the tailspring together. Also attach the steel tube to the tailspring forward of the QTW3 with a bolt, thus creating a bridge over the QTW3 and tailspring to improve the torsional stiffness. Q2 PLANS CHANGE NOTICES Number: Q2PC22 Date: 9 April, 1982 Revised: 22 June, 1982 Q2PC22 has caused some confusion because it did not include the entire mounting sequence. Iheretore, this revision will try to detail everything in order. The nose of the vertical fin must he trimmed near the hnttom to fit fins), against the FS 175 bulkhead. Both this trimmed face, and the base of the vertic/ fin may be optionally glassed with 1 BIL Use flox to mount the vertical fin to both the bottom inside skin of the rear fuselage and to the FS 175 bulkhead rear face. The hole cut to fit the vertical fin through the top rear fuselage will he larger than the vertical fin. The gap is to he filled with scrap foam. The foam should he carved to a fillet-like shape and then glassed with 2 BID. This lamination should lap onto the vertical fin arid fuselage a minimum of 2 inches. Make sure that there is liberal flox squeeze out between the vertical fin and both the FS 175 bulkhead and the bottom inside fuselage skin. Also optionally, one could glass the vertical fin base to the inside bottom fuselage skin with 2 BID in addition to the liberal flox squeeze out. |