quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jly, Oct) by
Quickie Aircraft
Post Office Box 786
Mojave, CA 93501
(805) 824.4313
Quickie & Q2Newsletter
Subscription (1 yr.)* |
Information Package
(2nd edition)* |
Q2 Information
Package |
Manual |
*Add $1.00 for
Air Mail overseas (U.S. funds)
California residents should add 6% state sales tax.
Quickie Aircraft Corporation is located
on the east end of the flight line at the Mojave Airport, Mojave, California,
which is located approximately 80 miles north of Los Angeles. You are welcome
to come by to see the Quickie and Q2 prototype, to ask questions, and to bring
in parts of your Quickie for inspection. The building number is 68.
.....We are normally open from 9 to 5 on Tuesday
thru Saturday, but you should call first if you are coming from far away,
since we occasionally must close the office to attend a flyin, conduct
business, etc.
permitting, each Saturday at 10:00 we will give a flight demonstration with the
.....When writing to QAC, always
send a stamped self-addressed envelope along if a reply is
necessary. |
This $49.95 package of materials including a booklet has
been put togethe’ to provide ‘on the job training’ in composite
aircraft construction techniques for the prospective builder of a Quickie and/or
Q2. Several projects are built using techniques similar to those utilized constructing
the aircraft. This allows the prospective builder to hone his skills and determine
his level of enthusiasm prior to committing several thousand dollars for the
purchase of a kit. The booklet is available separately for $14.50.
package can be sent UPS for speedy delivery (we usually have them in stock),
and we take VISA and MasterCard for those of you in a hurry.