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- Category: QAC Newsletters
- Published: Wednesday, 29 November 2006 14:11
- Written by Quickie Aircraft Corporation
- Hits: 2381
found, We recommend a minimum ol 5000 feet of hard surfaced runway for
first flights to allow for the inexperience of the pilot. We have been using N8IQA as a test bed for options. In addition, we have made a number of small changes to assess their effect on the handling qualities and performance. One change that we made was to increase the angle of incidence of the canard I degree. (Nose high). This change improved the ground handling without affecting high speed performance or flying qualities. For this reason, we recommend it to all Q2 builders. The gmund handling of the Q2 is very good for a taildragger, being superior to the normal assortment of Cubs, Champs. and Citabrias. Eventually, we would like to make it as easy to fly as the Quickie, and will continue working toward that goal. We will offer a disc brake option later in the year. Those of you coming to Oshkosh will be able to make your own comparisons, as both aircraft will he there. There will he a general price increase on the Q2 effective 9 August. 1981. The kit backlogs have already increased to 4-6 weeks, and we expect a further increase by early August. Feature articles on the Q2, including cover pictures, will he appearing in the August, 1981 issues of both Popular Science and Private Pilot magazines. Also, Flying magazine has scheduled a 5 page full color spread on the Q2, probably for the October, 1981 issue. One builder recently questioned the operating limitation in the Q2 Pilot’s Manual for the yellow arc range from 146-200 mph. This speed range should be avoided in Load testing Garry LeGare's Q2 |
turbulence, It should not he confused with the never exceed speed. or
red line, which is 200 mph. The Q2 can be flown continuously up to 200
mph. in relatively smooth air. These speeds are Calibrated Air Speed (CAS):
146 CAS at 10,000 feet is 170 which is the maximum cmising speed of the
aircraft 1 hcrefore, even in turbulence, the Q2 ma he flown at maximum
cruise speed at normal operating altitudes. Vse will expand the operational
envelope of the Q2 when options heome available which significantly improve
performance. Cockpit noise level measurements have been made on N8IQA. At maximum cruise speed. noise level is )2 dh. s a point of’ comparison, a Grumman Tiger is about 92 dh at cruise also Current prices are $5,400.00 for Package 1. $1,350.00 for Package 2, and $3,095.00 for Package 3. When purchased together, the customer saves $250.00 at the $9,595.00 price. Available options are as follows:
panels. Installed, this upholstery set gives the Q2 an expensive production aircraft look. Custom upholstery set, no Q2 should be without! |
Q2 PLANS CHANGE NOTICES Q2 Plans Change notices (Q2PC) are mandatory revisions to the Q2 plans. Each Q2PC has a number and a publication date along with a description of the change. Al Q2PC notices should he incorporated into the builder’s set of Q2 Construction Plans immediately upon receipt by the builder. Any questions on a Q2PC notice should he referred to Quickie Aircraft Corp. NOTE: Quickie Newsletter No. 12 mistakenly listed both Q2PC3 and Q2PC4 under the QUICKIF PLANS CHANGE NOTICES, instead of’ under this heading as they should have been. Please make sure that those two notices are incorporated into your Q2 Construction Plans. NUMBER: Q2PC5 DATE: 22 June, 1981 The fuel header tank should be vented to the atmosphere so that it receives ram air pressure in order to minimize mixture changes with speed and attitude. To do so, bond a short length of 1/4” O.D. Aluminum tube to the top of the fuel header tank and bend it forwai’d so that it captures the airstream. Alternatively, you could run the vent out the bottom of the fuselage to hide the vent line tube. NUMBER: Q2PC6 DATE: 22 June, 1981 Raise the angle of incidence of the canard 1 degree nose up. (See discussion in Q2 NEWS). We believe this change to be worthwhile enough to make mandatory. Contact QAC for details and/or further discussion. NUMBER: Q2PC7 DATE: 22 June, 1981 Page 14-9; QCSA3 Aileron Bellcrank—In order to optimize the pitch/roll stick ratios, reduce the center of-hole to center of-hole distance of QCSA3 between the two F34-14 Rod Ends from 4.5” to 2.9”. NUMBER: Q2PCS DATE: 22 June, 1981 Page 11-5: Brake Drum—In order to provide better brake feel, there are two procedures that can he used. First, you may elect to increase the tension on the two brake shoe springs by drilling two new holes in each assembly to stretch the springs more taut. Second, you may elect to maintain tension in the system with a return spring on the brake arm, fastened to the bottom of the wheel pant. In either case, careful work will he necessary’ to properly set up equal feel to the left and right brakes. One should expect rework to be required during the early flight testing phase in order to achieve a good balance. |
Garry LeGare's Q2 next to our prototype N81QA. |