Q-talk 5 - Q-TIPS
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Tuesday, 30 June 1987 07:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 3310
From Jim Masal,Editor
In an earlier issue I mentioned that my Quickie flies on a "step" when in the proper flight attitude. Since then, other Quickie and Q fliers said they notice the same thing. If your first flights seem to be discouragingly slow, getting it on the step can be worth up to 15 mph more to you. Establish level flight then push the nose over slightly. RPM's and airspeed should pick up and your plane should start a climb to original altitude at a higher airspeed. Note the horizon's attitude. You may have to do this a couple times to get it right, but once you learn the attitude, you'll get it "on step" without thinking much about it.
I just met another builder who didn't know about the Dremel Moto Tool (Dremel Mfg. 4915 21st St., Racine, WI 53406). I can't imagine building a composite aircraft without one of these $50, palm-held grinding/cutting giz-widgets (available from hobby shops, hardware stores, or your local discount department store). Even Sears has their own version. Don't be a penny pincher, get the variable speed Model 370; it's well worth the few extra bucks. You probably won't be ahead buying the 371 kit which includes some accessories that I never used much. Buy accessories separately: get a 407 drum sander with a dozen sanding bands (Great for roughing up hard to reach corners, etc.). Get a 402 Mandrel to use with cutting wheels and bits. Useful cutting/grinding bits are the 115, 116 and 117 (the 116 is great for carefully finishing the glass layup around inside/outside edges of the canopy. I never got up in the middle of the night to catch a layup at "knife trim" stage. I let the mess cure than used a cutting wheel. The 400 and 406 "buzz saw" blades (about half-inch diameter) are an obvious choice, but watch out when cutting from cured into raw glass: the raw glass will start flying everywhere then wrap around the mandrel. I liked the durable 199 cutter (1/4" dia.) for shallow cuts. The half-inch 409 emery cut-off wheel cuts well and even quite good on metal, but it is frangible and breaks easily if you twist it while cutting (must be why they come 26 in a pkg.). Best cutter of all is the half-inch fiberglass wheel, which is a dark brown disc that shows the weave of glass on its surface (I don't know the number). This one will cut cured or raw glass without kicking up a fuss; get 2 packages.
A final note. My tool lasted an entire project of frequent and hard use, but finally quit. I shipped it to the Dremel Service Center, P. O. Box 954, Racine, WI 53405, where it was overhauled for about $15 in 2 weeks and it is still going strong today.
From Henry Hurd, Belleville, IL
I'm sending a photo of a NASA air scoop that I make using 2 BID over a male mold, and which will fit a 2" duct. One need only carefully cut out the fuselage and slip the unit into the cutout, recessing it in at the required 7-degree slope. (see photo).
From Tom Scott (Seahawk builder) Ve haf frendz efryvere!

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