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QuickTalk 10 - Jul/Aug 1983 - index

JUL/AUG 1983



by Robert Herd

Our readers not attending Oshkosh this year will have to excuse us for devoting the entire editorial to the Mecca of homebuilders. QBA has been making plans to gather builders together for formal and informal discussions during the Fly-In. It is expected that these events will greatly benefit the individual enthusiast as well as providing feedback for the QBA staff.

The Second Annual Oshkosh Forum will be held <U ( July 31) at 8:00pm in Tent #1. (If tradition holds, poncho and galoshes will be appropriate dress.) This meeting will be open for discussion of virtually any subject, gripe, suggestion, etc. Overall, we expect some lively conversations. (Quickie and Q2 builders, as a rule, aren't the quiet, retiring types.)

Tuesday night (August 2) offers a great chance to meet many of your fellow builders. As was mentioned in the last issue, we have arranged for a wine and cheese party for QBA members and their immediate guests between 7:00-10:00pm. To be hosted in the Algona Room of Reeve Student Union building, the campus staff will cater the event for $3/person ($5/couple). Since our plans of 150 guests are entirely guesstimates, it might be wise for members not to arrive too late.

Finally, there will be a sign-in roster for all QBA members in the lobby of Gruenhagen Hall. Take the time to sign in and feel free to use the list to locate other builders.

A complement goes out to the University of Wisconsin Housing Coordinator and her staff for the consideration shown while we made the QBA dorm reservations. The QBA "nest" will be located in rooms 951-965 of South Gruenhagen Hall. By making our initial request early and keeping the university up-to-date on arrival and departure times of our members, we had virtually no problem in making arrangements. The Ninth Floor Study Lounge will probably be the site of evening rap sessions for anyone who would like to attend.

We look forward to visiting with all of you at Oshkosh and wish everyone a very enjoyable time at the Convention.


Other Articles In This Issue

LETTERS - by Jim Masal
Q-TIPS - by Jim Masal
"HOW TIME FLIES..." - by Jim Masal
QUICKIE HINTS - by Jim Masal
Q2 HINTS - by Jim Masal
T-TAIL REPORT - by Mike Huffman, Owasso, OK
PILOT PROFILE - by Jim Masal
ODDS and ENDS - by Jim Masal
CLASSIFIEDS - by Jim Masal
CALENDAR - by Jim Masal
WE'VE GOT PICTURES! - by Jim Masal


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