- Details
- Category: QAC Newsletters
- Published: Saturday, 26 August 2006 07:08
- Written by Quickie Aircraft Corporation
- Hits: 4063
FOREIGN QUICKIE SALES .....We are seeing a significant number of foreign sales of the Quickies. Currently, we have delivered kits to many countries in Europe. as well as Australia, New Zealand, and the Far East. .....Because of the additional paper work involved, as well as the freight charges to ship a kit from Los Angeles, foreign customers should add $100.00 to cover these costs. QUICKIE KIT PRICES .....As indicated in our January Newsletter, there will be a price increase on the Quickie kit effective 15 May, 1980. .....Since many of you will be receiving this current newsletter only days before that deadline, we will allow the following policy to assist you in purchasing a Quickie kit at the old prices: A five hundred dollar deposit ($500.00) postmarked prior to 15 May, 1980 will secure a Quickie kit at the current prices until 1 June, 1980. If the balance due is not paid off by the 1 June, 1980 date, then the deposit will be applied toward the purchase price current at the time the balance is sent in. No deposits will be accepted after 15 May, 1980, at which time the revised price schedule will apply for new orders. .....Current prices effective until 15 May, 1980 are as follows:
.....After 15 May, 1980, the packages will be restructured and the following prices will apply:
.....All of these prices are for the standard kit and do not include the options, which are detailed and priced elsewhere in this newsletter. Also, in order to maintain a price of $3,100.00 so that individuals could get started, we have moved some components originally in the Quickie Aircraft Kit to Quickie Package 2. Therefore the original Quickie Aircraft Kit and Quickie Package I are not the same.
QUICKIE CONSTRUCTION PLANS .....At the 1978 & 1979 Oshkosh, Wisconsin flyins, we had several sets of Quickie Construction Plans available for visitors to examine. In addition, individuals are welcome to visit our Mojave, California facility and to study the plans there. .....However, many visitors want the opportunity to examine the Quickie Construction Plans at length in the privacy of their own homes. This is understandable and we have the following arrangement to facilitate this. The Quickie Construction Plans are available for $150.00. Purchasers of the plans are entitled to a $150.00 discount on the purchase price of the Quickie Aircraft Kit. The plans are identical to those that an individual would use to build a Quickie from our Quickie Aircraft Kit.
.....California residents buying the plans should add 6% state tax. Foreign orders must include an additional $12.00 for postage. |
FLIGHT TESTING YOUR NEW QUICKIE .....With so many Quickies making first flights these days, we think that it is appropriate to review some of the important points to remember when testing a brand-spanking-new aircraft for the first time. .....Remember that you are both the manufacturer and the production flight test pilot all wrapped up into one. .....First know both the Pilotâs Manual and the Initial Flight Testing of Your Quickie Guide from cover to cover. You must have all of this information permanently fixed in your brain if you are going to have complete control over situations that might develop. .....The first few flights should be made within gliding distance of the airport. In that way, you will be able to return promptly to an airport for a landing in case of any problems that might develop. Remember, even production Ccssnas and Beechâs have problems on first flights, so be prepared. For example, maybe you notice that the aircraft is right wing heavy, or that the pitch trim system is not adjustable at all speeds. Land and fix any problem rather than flying for hours with a less than perfect aircraft. Once on the ground, make a note of all items that you found on your flight; fix every one of them before the next flight. .....Be sure that you, as pilot in command, are current and capable. Too often, the homebuilder spends all of his time and energy in building, and faces the first flight without sufficient recent flight time of his own. .....Frequently check all fluids and filters. Fuel filters, in particular, must be inspected after every flight, and cleaned every 2-3 hours, to prevent any residue of material in the fuel tank and lines from clogging the system. Do a static runup of the engine before each flight. If you cannot achieve the same RPM. each time, donât fly until determining the cause. .....An airport with long runways and lots of open spaces is ideal for the early flights. Be prepared to travel a ways to find one. .....Remember, there is no reason to rush into the first flight; after all, you plan on flying the aircraft for many years, donât you? .....Exercise common sense, and have fun; you are joining a select group of individuals who have built and flown their very own aircraft. .....Do not make the first flight with less than 10 hours of time on the engine. |
DELIVERIES AND BACKLOGS .....We are working very hard to reduce our backlog of orders and to cleanup our existing backorders. Currently, our delivery time on new kit orders is about 2 sseeks. We expect that to rise to about 4 weeks by mid-May. .....Also, backorders have been sent to all Quickie builders up through serial number 320. Therefore, if there are any discrepancies, please drop a note to QAC so that we can straighten things out. |
.....New customers could assist us in smoothly filling backorders if they would inventory their kit immediately upon receipt and notify QAC in writing of all parts not there, including the ones indicated as backorders. In this way, we will have a complete record from the beginning. We normally wait 45 days from shipment of the basic kit prior to sending the remaining backorders. to give each customer an opportunity to verify the packing lists.
.....We are gradually cleaning up our backlog on Altimeters. |