QuickTalk 8 - Mar/Apr 1983 - index
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Index
- Published: Saturday, 30 April 1983 07:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 2257
by Robert Herd
The number of hints and letters to our office has tapered off somewhat in the last month, coinciding with the recent cold temperatures. No doubt many of you have slowed down your building progress until the weather becomes more hospitable. Instead of grumbling around the house (generally becoming a nuisance to your spouse), take advantage of the situation to catch up on your necessary reading and paperwork.
Unenthusing as this may sound, there is quite a bit to be done and it should not be overlooked. As builders, we tend to put off those items which are not directly associated with fabrication. The plans from Quickie Aircraft are the focal point of our efforts and their occasional review will save time later on. Besides the sections on individual components, it will be beneficial to reread the basic composite tutorial at the front of the plans. When you consider the QAC Newsletter, QUICKTALK, SPORT AVIATION and other homebuilder magazines, there are literally volumes of information around which can be a large influence in the final workmanship to your airplane. The trouble is that many of us expect to mentally store those dozens of hints and suggestions until they occur in our building sequence. Don't kid yourself. There are enough builder details to remember without trying to be a walking card catalog.
To prove the point, I sat down one afternoon and read the entire series of QAC Newsletters and QUICKTALK issues. Although having prided myself on accurately recording plans changes, it was amazing to notice how many non-mandatory "suggestions" were available. When written into the plans chapters themselves, they were easily cross-referenced for later use.
Also, if you have not begun a notebook or filing system for your project, I strongly suggest you do so. It might include areas such as correspondence, costs, man-hours, invoices, FAA papers and specialized building articles. Before groaning too loudly, the reasons are quite logical. First, it will help answer the inevitable questions, "How much did it cost?" and "How long did it take to build?". Second, copies of all letters and receipts from QAC and other vendors should be kept to record backorders and protect yourself against losses. Third, the FAA is going to require proof that you built 51% of the airplane from scratch. A building diary will help meet that requirement and a central location for this material will prevent its disappearance when you need it most.
Since we are mentioning what to do on a miserable day, it wouldn't hurt to make a social visit to your local Flight Standards or GADO inspector. Amiable relations are always welcome and knowledge of what is expected (by both parties) will prevent unwelcome surprises. More about the inspection procedure in a later issue.
Finally, when you have exhausted all ingenuity and can't stand the thought of walking out to stare at your cold workshop, a letter to QBA is in order. Several of you owe us a note to say "Hello" anyway, and a builder tip (or two) would make our day. Besides, who else understands your mood when it's so rotten outside?
Other Articles In This Issue
QUICKIE HINTS - by Jim Masal
Q2 HINTS - by Jim Masal
FLYING REPORT - by Duane Swing, Vandalia, OH
PILOT PROFILE - by Jim Masal
TEXTBOOK TRIVIA - by Robert Herd
CLASSIFIEDS - by Jim Masal
ODDS and ENDS - by Jim Masal
CALENDAR - by Jim Masal
WE'VE GOT PICTURES! - by Jim Masal
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