- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Thursday, 31 October 1996 06:11
- Written by Tom Moore
- Hits: 3822
A current member may have one free Ad per month. It may be a maximum of five lines to type and will be edited to fit space available. If you want to take up more space, call for rates. Free advertising is a courtesy and this is not Trade-a-Plane. Items advertised must be for or owned by the member. The Ad contact must be a member name. Company names mean a commercial Ad at QBA current rates. Write for this info.
FOR SALE: TRI-Q200, LS-1 canard, speed brake, trailerable, standard instrument panel, zero time O-200, all fairings complete. $12,000 or offer. Jack Moritz (503) 648-6007 - OR
FOR SALE: Q2 control cables (5) - $60, Revmaster cowling - $100, Revmaster exhaust - $150, Orig. Cowley prop - $100, Q2 brakes & wheels - ? Instruments: Tach, Oil Press. Oil Temp Ammeter, all complete - $75. All parts new, never used. Gene Cash (805) 492-8309
FOR SALE: Q-200 with 375 SMOH Lycoming O-235. Nearly finished. Lost medical, hence enthusiasm. $10K (510) 254-7843 for specs and photos - CA
FOR SALE: Q2 kit minor fuselage work completed. Foam billets, rolls of cloth, tires, wheels, brakes, etc. Contact William Wylie, 17212 Mossdale Ave., Lancaster, CA 93535 (805) 264-1405
FOR SALE: THUNDER QUICKIE - 1835 cc VW, 345 TT, electric start, 5" wheels & hydraulic brakes, new paint, view at http://wwwl.minn.net/~amc-msp/54jfsale.html $7000 OBO - must sell. Jon Finley (612) 888-3093 - MN
FOR SALE: New and used Q1 parts, Onan 18 hp eng/accs, large main/tail wheel components, Orig. instrument package, foam blocks, lots of hardware. Contact Terry Sickler, 998 Pleasant View St., Castle Rock, CO 80104 (w) 303-977-3758, (h) 303-688-6099
FOR SALE: Q1 #164 N4251F Restored 1995 110 hrs tt AF Rotax 503 DC, IVO prop reflexor, vg's, strobe, more. Flies great! 18,000 ft service ceiling! I need $$ to finish the Long-Eze. $5,500 Ion (303) 440-3579
FOR SALE: Q2 Taxi tested, ready for FFA inspection. Individual toe brakes, King digital comm., Revmaster w/cyl. shimms + total seal rings and stainless valves. LS-1 canard, reflexor. Fred Teasdale (814) 724-4673 leave msg. or 707 Chestnut St., Meadville, PA 16335
FOR SALE: Quickie 503 Rotax, 250 TT A&E, NDH, always hangared. Prince prop, EGT, CHT and electrical system. Flies straight and fast, but not for the fat or faint of heart. (Has really pretty pink stripe on side) $6000. Robert Bounds (308) 352-4174 - NE
FOR SALE: Q2 still in the original boxes. Carbon spar option, Revmaster engine and other options. Best offer. Wayne McBride, 4802 Island Rd., Harvard, IL 60033-8811
FOR SALE: Bickerton Folding Bicycle - Aluminum frame, 16" wheels, folds easily (no tools required) into about 20" x 24" x 12". 3-spd internal-gear hub. 22 lb carrying case. A quality machine, almost new. $150. John Derr (o) (505) 846-5646, (h) (505) 281-0969 - NM
FOR SALE: Q-2, 0 time Revmaster, on the gear, controls installed, forward tilt canopy, panel assembled, upholstery in. Ailerons to finish coating and install. 90% done and 50% to go. Call Dale (512) 855-3801. $6500 OBO - TX
FOR SALE: Q-200 kit, w/carbon fiber spar - unused, no cloth, located in Utah, $2,000 OBO. Also a Tri-gear for a TRI-Q, new $1,500 OBO located in Calgary, Canada. Call Kimbull McAndrew (403) 254-2883
WANTED: Needed for a Q200 a glass fiber tailspring/suitable stock material or information on where to look or info on use of an alternative material. Grounded until I hear from you. So please call Brian Jackson (or fax, same #) 1296-747350 in UK. All costs will be refunded - call collect OK too.
Dave Chalmers is still offering his database that indexes Q-TALK articles. The database is only offered on floppy disk. Dave requires that you send him a SASE with a floppy diskette in it. Ask Dave to put the database in a TEXT format; you can then use this database with any word processor program (almost). Dave has written a brief one-line description of each article and then included the issue and page number. Just bring up the file and search (find) a key word you are looking for (BRAKES, REFLEXOR, etc.). This is a great time saver. I got a copy of the database and have used it several times with great success. It beats scanning thru every issue until you find the info you want. Make a copy and take it to work with you to use on your coffee breaks or at lunch. Contact Dave at 17776 NE 90th St., #S-191, Redmond, WA 98052. (206) 869-7252
You can order a PDF or printed copy of Q-talk #60 by using the Q-talk Back Issue Order Page.