Q-talk 49 - Jan/Feb 1995 - index
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Index
- Published: Tuesday, 28 February 1995 06:11
- Written by Tom Moore
- Hits: 2469
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by Jim Masal

Why do I always get ants in my pants and then you guys always come through for me? I mentioned a potential slump in material for this newsletter and a bunch of you sat down by the fireside (or whatever) and gave me some pretty good builder stories and tips. After all, as long as you have to renew anyway, why not get a little more mileage out of your 32-cents postage (*choke, gag*) by stuffing a couple more pages into the envelope? Thank you, guys. And for those who have sent early flight reports, don't forget the follow ups you have promised later, OK?
I hope you and your families had a great Christmas. I know for many of you it was white. From a recent trip thru St. Louis, I know it is STILL white and from late weather reports it is DEEP white. But for all of us in the lower half of the country, we hardly know it's been winter. It's been so spring like around here lately that I keep thinking I should be packing the tent for Sun 'n Fun! And I can't wait either. It's April 9-15 this year, so do your taxes early or file for a hardship extension (I'm sure the IRS will understand that SnF is a higher priority).
Last issue I mentioned that Tom Moore would be helping me with the newsletter again... and not a moment too soon. First, I got committed to some extracurricular activity that will be taking a good pile of my free time for this year. Second, and worse, my 78-year-old Dad in Florida had an operation on his spine from which it will take some time to recover. It's not like I'll be moving to Miami or anything, but I am gonna wanna keep tabs on that situation and it's gonna take some time and energy. Most of you are old enough that you've experienced a similar situation in your own lives and so I know you understand what sort of distraction it can be.
So anyway, Tom being on the scene to help couldn't come at a better time. You'll still see my catty comments and editorials, but Tom will be putting the pieces together and getting Q-TALK printed and shipped out. Expect to see some changes in appearance, most likely for the better, but understand that Tom's been reading this for a hunnert years just like you so he knows how it's supposed to go and he and I will be cussing and discussing regularly. The QBA address hasn't changed either. I will just forward your input to Tom myself.
Hmmmmmmmmm. Just thinking about the Sun 'n Fun dates, it occurs to me that you are not likely to get the next newsletter beforehand. So, if we're gonna pump it up, it better be now. Of course, my plan is to be there as early as I can on the 8th. I enjoy the pre-show buzz of activity on the grounds and I'm first up on Sunday with our forum. In recent letters from you, I'm hearing that several of you are planning to bring new birds to the show ... subject to whether or not your part of the country gets clobbered by the weather gods. Our Dragonfly buddies are planning for a good showing too and we might find some joint activities to do after dark. Now I'm planning to camp out as I usually do. There are plenty of motels in the area and lots of small ones "off the beaten track" if you are interested in safe but cheap and spartan. Tampa is only 40 minutes away so that a daily commute is not unreasonable. But for me, I found the traffic such a pain in the arse in to and out of the site by car that I would just rather live on the grounds. The campgrounds are very pleasant, filled with trees, and the showering facilities are very nice. There.
Now y'all come, yuh heah.
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