Hey Member, 2011 is shaping up to be a great year for the Quickie Builders Association. Already we have 8 events scheduled this year, all featuring our favorite homebuilt and the people who build and fly them.
In addition we have several builders nearing first flight, and several more Q’s nearing the completion of a major rebuild and reconstruction.
Speaking about "major reconstruction," I have some great ideas about how to make the QBA website even better. I am currently working with a new Host and hope to have everything transferred by the next newsletter. The new host is more expensive, but it will allow more features including video and picture sharing.
If all goes well, you’ll soon see a new feature I’d like to dub “Q-tube.” In the meantime, sit back and enjoy reading about what others are doing with their Quickies.
I hope to see you at one or more QBA events this year!
Warm regards, Dan Yager QBA Editor www.quickheads.com