Hey Member, Summer is officially here. As the weather gets warmer it seems we’re all becoming a little more active. QBA has seen a great deal of activity over the last few months, and I am really excited about all of the activities yet to come.
AirVenture is less than a month away, so stay tuned for Doug Humble’s report from Oshkosh in our next issue. Personally, I’m looking forward to meeting some of you this year at the Livermore and Field of Dreams Fly-ins. I’ll be there with plenty of QBA stuff to give away.
Traffic to the website continues to grow, and we’re gaining members from around the globe. In fact, it seems a whole new generation has become interested in the planes we love. Make sure you check out the article about the High School “Aerospace” class in Redmond Oregon. You’ll never guess what they’re building!
That’s all for now, I need to get back out to the garage if I’m ever gonna’ get my plane built. One day, my summer activities will involve writing a flight report. But for now I’ll just have to be content to read all of yours! If you’ve been out flying recently, send me your report! It’ll keep all of us motivated to continue building!
Warm regards, Dan Yager QBA Editor
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