- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Sunday, 28 February 1993 06:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 3289
A current member may have one free Ad per issue. It may be a maximum of five lines of my type and will be edited to fit space available. If you want to take up more space, call me for rates. Free advertising is a courtesy and this is not Trade-a-Plane. Items advertised must be for or owned by the member. The Ad contact must be a member name. Company names mean a commercial Ad at QBA current rates. Write for info.
FOR SALE: Epoxy pump, good deal $75. W. E. Jones, 2489 Quincy Rd., Oroville, CA 95966 or (916) 534-9339
FOR SALE: Tri-Q200. 116 TTSN, O-200 123 hrs scoh, electric roll & pitch trim, oil cooler and remote filter, reflexor, belly board, strobes, Garmin GPS 100. Never damaged, 165 mph cruise. Bob Noble after 8:30 pm (501) 758-6129
FOR SALE: Tri-Q200, 130 hrs smoh, 20 hrs TT, 720 radio, intercom, dual headsets, always hangared, excellent workmanship, $16,000. Call for photos. Call Duane (310) 518-3529. SN 2114. CA.
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