- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Saturday, 31 October 1992 06:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 3229
A current member may have one free Ad per issue. It may be a maximum of five lines of my type and will be edited to fit space available. If you want to take up more space, call me for rates. Free advertising is a courtesy and this is not Trade-a-Plane. Items advertised must be for or owned by the member. The Ad contact must be a member name. Company name means a commercial Ad at QBA current rates. Write for info. Members may not repeat an Ad unless they send me a request for each issue. Record keeping or special requests will not be provided for free. Insertion of a free Ad for a specified issue is not guaranteed. (Your money back if it doesn't get in.) Non-members may place an Ad at current QBA rates.
WANTED: Q200 carb heat box, carb intake scoop and air intake scoop. Earnest Martin (704) 684-0576.
FOR SALE: Revmaster exhaust system. Never used. No rust. $200 plus shipping. Gordon Myers (714) 628-6539.
FOR SALE: Quickie single place, complete, no airworthiness. 18 HP engine, 24 hrs. logged. Central US, always hangared. Specs and pictures. (402) 463-2588.
WANTED: Copy (or pieces) or complete set of Q-2 paperwork; plans, pilot handbook, Revmaster info, basically any written info out there! Robert Dixon, P. O. Box 369-370 Dauphin Island, AL 36528 (205) 861-5709 will call back.
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