Q-talk 13 - ODDS and ENDS
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Saturday, 31 December 1988 06:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 3384
Sheehan was at OSH promoting his engine mods and from time to time circulated around the Q's. He chatted with Howell for a time about his Rotax conversion and I asked him about the Quickie LS-1 mod. He told me that only about 14 Quickie spars were sold. So, all you guys lusting after this mod better stop. The odds of getting these spars are slim and none.
......Well, not EXACTLY true. I just got off the phone with Gary Wilson of CACI. He reminded me that twice so far I have printed that he is able to get carbon spars for our Q's (the Quickie spar is made from the same mandrel, just further down on the taper). I'm surprised at all the bellyaching I hear about spar availability when Gary says only 1 builder so far has bought one from him. This is the 3rd and LAST time I mention this...don't cry and moan anymore. Reach Gary at: 1-901-586-4437.
...And another thing, Gary can still fabricate cowlings for the Rotax 447 and 503. Those in the know will tell you that making a cowling from scratch is a religious experience akin to crucifixion. Buy one already made if at all possible.
ONE MORE TIME: A few of you guys, especially you overseas guys need technical answers sometimes. Some of you will go to all sorts of gyrations to get an answer except trying the obvious. Your FIRST action should be to attempt contact with Sheehan. So, one more time:
Gene Sheehan
Sheehan Engineering
P. O. Box 806
Mojave, CA 95301
(805) 824-9136
DON'T go crying and moaning about information you need without trying the best possible source first. Sport Aviation quoted Sheehan as offering builder assistance. TRY IT, DAMMIT...and then let me know if he's not cooperative. Avoiding contact with the originators of a design is a dumb, amateur move, but builders were doing this even when the company was in active business.
CUSTOM COMPOSITE COMPONENTS: Bill Forrest told me by phone on 2/3/89 that they are still fabricating Q-2's and Tri-Q's for customers. CCC took over the late Bob McFarland's dealership and Bill says they have many metal parts including a half dozen crossover 0-200 exhausts. Bill sys they were in close contact with Mark Waddelow before his death and that they have the plans for his canard and have built a Tri-Q with this mod that has been flown. Bill and Tom will be glad to talk with builders on this and other subjects. (814) 445-8506 or (814) 445-8608.
A Q-200 project awaits a new owner. It is in the hands of a stick, tube and fabric EAA Chapter 15. I understand it was given to the chapter with the proviso that it be completed not sold. The Chapter would negotiate an exchange for a non-composite project. Contact: Donna McGinnis, Wings Flight Center, 16207 Airport Road, Lockport, IL 60441 (815) 838-4848.
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