QuickTalk 28 - CLASSIFIEDS
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Monday, 30 June 1986 07:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 3305
FOR SALE: Q-2 KIT #2598. As is or will build to suit. Now in progress as a Tri-Q with Rolls Royce 0-200. 1500 TOT. Straight canard; will part engine or kit in any stage of completion. Priced to sell. T. J. Wright, P O Box 6, Friedens, PA 15541.
FOR SALE: Beautiful award winning Q-2. 180 hrs. TT, never damaged. Revmaster powered. Call Mike, no collect (503) 484-1472.
FOR SALE: QUICKIE N82QT. Looks and flies great. It has 140 hrs. TT and has never been damaged. The Konig engine is very smooth, reliable and economical (20 hrs. TT). 120 ch radio, electrical start. $8250 firm. Call Jim (503) 741-2692.
FOR SALE: Q-2 tailwheel assembly with spring. $25.00. John Derr, 706 Partridge Circle, Golden, CO 80403. Phone (303) 279-6722.
FOR SALE: Q-2 #2711, 50% complete. Includes engine, lighting kit, epoxy pump, etc. Meticulous workmanship by mechanical engineer. $12,500 invested, make reasonable offer. Thomas Straub, 129 Severn Ave, Annapolis, MD 21403. Days (301) 268-5786 or Eves (301) 268-4899.
Q-200 project for sale; 80% complete; carbon spar canard installed; wing, mag box and rudder system complete. Header, fuel tank and canopy built. All components plus extras to complete. Excellent workmanship, logs, photos. $12,500. (512) 546-9550 or 542-7459.
FOR SALE: GU canard with vortex generators flight proven in over 600 hrs. No damage. Best composite award Sun N' Fun, 3rd at CAFE 400. Complete with wheels and brakes. Save hundreds of hrs. $300 or offer. Also Revmaster 2100D, 125 hrs.; all options, $2500. Scott Swing (513) 890-1925.
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