QuickTalk 25 - CLASSIFIEDS
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Tuesday, 31 December 1985 06:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 3482
Non-commercial classified ads for individual members, one per issue, are free. Commercial advertising rates are available on request.
FOR SALE: Onan engine, Kevlar mount, 20 HP heads with graphoil gaskets. Call Jim Prell, 1-816-454-9422, collect calls accepted from serious buyers.
FOR SALE: Quickie kit, No construction started. 18 HP engine. Bargain priced at $2500. (415) 228-6399.
FOR SALE: Terra TPX-720 radio. Used only once for Oshkosh trip - new August. With charger complete, $350 delivered. Also, 1 set carbon fiber tubes new, still in box. T. J. Wright, (814) 893-5806.
Q-2 PROJECT FOR SALE: 40% complete (fuselage and main wing), excellent workmanship. Revmaster 21000 engine with geared electric star, oil sump. Spar kit for new canard, all newsletters. Will deliver for expenses anywhere in USA or Canada. $9,000 or best offer. Bob Gochnauer, Sumpter, SC 29154. (803) 773-1078.
FOR SALE: World record holding Quickie (see July, '83 Sport Aviation). Onan 20 HP, 278 lbs. Digital computer with tach, volts, time, temp. Move and marriage do not FORCE sale, but it may be easier. Houston. $7,900. Steve (713) 667-1590.
FOR SALE: 1982 Q-2 with belly board, vortex generators, T-tail, Nav-Com, 500x5 tires. 342 hrs. High performance heads, strobe lights. It flies great. $15,500. Ennis Barlow (404) 474-7593.
FOR SALE: Quickie SN 501. Fuselage, canopy, tail and main wing finished. Ailerons with controls hooked up. All parts, plans, QUICKTALKs. Excellent workmanship. $3,600 invested, asking $2,000. Call Gene Andrew (314) 831-8812 after 5 pm. Saint Louis area.
FOR SALE: Revmaster AR pipes, new - $150. Q-2 wheels, tires and complete new hydraulic system - $200. New tailwheel and spring - $75. John Groff (609) 654-9187, wk 234-7600.
WANTED: Onan flywheel with magnets installed. Contact Jim Hinrichsen at (309) 467-4334.
FOR SALE: Forward sliding Q-2 canopy track - $30. Floyd Perryman, 912 Pear St., Jena, LA 71342. (318) 992-4512.
WANTED: Set of plans for the Smilie Conversion. Don Keizer, 4291 Fernwood Ave., Powell River B.C. Canada, V8A 3L2.
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