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QuickTalk 10 - ODDS and ENDS

For those of you who have been unable to find accommodations at Oshkosh, one of the QBA dorm rooms at the university has become available. If you would like to take this room reservation, please contact Horace Toler, 255 W. Corona Rd., Tucson, AZ 85706. (602) 889-1835 or the QBA office immediately. Availability will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Readers of the April CANARD PUSHER probably noticed a reference to epoxy reactions. It was stated that Applied Plastics (makers of SAFE-T-POXY) has published brochures covering all aspects of using epoxy, precautions to take and what to do if you react to it. They have also written a brochure evaluating the various types of gloves available. It appears that the only glove that provides a 100% barrier is one made of Butyl. Butyl gloves are expensive, but they may still be a bargain for those of you experiencing reactions. Some people are affected by contact with SAFE-T-POXY, others by the fumes. A good quality charcoal respirator will help with the latter problem. Applied Plastics has disposable charcoal filters, which they keep in stock. Write to Applied Plastics and enclose a SASE for the brochures and prices of the Butyl gloves and respirator. Their address is Applied Plastics Co., El Segundo, CA 90245. (213) 322-8050.

In the same article, it was stated that no one at Rutan Aircraft Factory had developed an allergic reaction to SAFE-T-POXY. Supposedly, RAF staff members are always very careful and wash their hands and arms thoroughly after every layup with Lava soap. One staffer has been working with the different epoxies for about nine years. He is a firm believer in washing after short layups and even during large layups. It was stated that he also uses Vaseline brand "Dermatology Formula Lotion" morning and evening, whether or not he has worked with epoxy.

Quickie distributor S.W. Hanke (#2148) has modified has Q2 T-tail because of a reported problem of the system overpowering the trim wheel; no matter how tight the tension knob was set. Those members who are installing the T-tail may wish to have a copy of Mr. Hanke's modification. His address is P.O. Box 422, Clio, SC 29525. (803) 586-9225. A SASE would be appreciated.

You may remember the report in Issue #8 concerning the Super Q conversion package for the Quickie, presently being distributed by Stubbs Aero Products in Ontario. Fred Stubbs has informed us that the Konig four cylinder redial engine used in the modification has been re-engineered by the factory to produce 32 HP. Expectations for a typical 300 lb airplane include a 750-ft/min climb rate and a cruise speed of 135 MPH. Details may be obtained from Stubbs Aero Products at P.O. Box 1264, Brantford, Ont. N3T 5T3. Phone number is (519) 756-2731.

Our last issue of QUICKTALK mentioned that Terra Corporation had developed a series of modifications for their small 720-channel transceivers. However, when several of our members contacted the Terra Customer Relations Department no one seemed to know anything about the mods. QBA contacted Dick Donovan, president of Terra for an answer. (After all, we had confirmed the story with a company employee before printing the article.) Mr. Donovan admitted that the mods did exist; however he said that TPX-720 owners SHOULD NOT return their units unless they were defective. Supposedly, the normal radio in the field would NOT see a noticeable improvement in performance. The mods were simple component changes, which allowed better reliability and closer spec tolerance. Radios, which are returned FOR NORMAL MAINTENANCE REPAIRS, automatically have the modifications performed, but they are not necessary if the unit is functioning properly. In other words, if your TPX-720 is working, use it. If not, the repairs done by Terra will have a couple of extra "freebies".

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