- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Tuesday, 31 August 1999 07:11
- Written by Tom Moore
- Hits: 3530
A current member may have one free Ad per month. It may be a maximum of five lines of type and will be edited to fit space available. Items advertised must be owned by the member. The Ad contact must be a member name. Ads will be run for TWO issues and then the Ad must be resubmitted.
FOR SALE: Terra TX-720 COM, TN-200 NAV, Tri Nav Indicator, TMA 230 Audio Panel, Trays and connectors. Excellent condition. $1700. 308-872-5423, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: TRI-Q-200 (see Q-TALK #69) O-200 engine, 748 hrs SMO, 3 blade warp drive prop, Collins Micro-line, IFR panel, oil filter, reflexor. $21,500. Jimmy @ 956-546-4541, Marvin @956-381-2782 or Marvin e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WANTED: Q200 kit - the more original the better. No engine required, but wing cores, carbon spars and canopy a must. Kit is required in the UK so you must be prepared to crate it and ship it. Ian Molesworth, Tango4 Consulting, Intnl +44 411 378 562, UK 0411 378 562
WANTED: Flying Q2. Prefer day - VFR with a transponder. I am willing to pick up at any location. Need complete engine, airframe and building logs. Contact Sean Kelly e-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Canopy, fuselage shell, cowling, carbon spars, wing and canard foam still in the box, spare foam, factory plans, box of hardware, some fiberglass & resin, fiberglass pump for mixing. Stored for approx. 8 years. Located Hartline, WA $1000 OBO. Bob (509) 884-4388, email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Q-2 0 time Revmaster 2100D. Airframe and control surfaces built. Needs finish work, engine install and avionics. Some instruments included. $5500. Will consider selling w/o engine. Shannon Coleman 270-281-0169 eve or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Aircraft instruments - approx. 55% of WagAero catalog price, postpaid. Revmaster R 2100-D $1250. Cowley, wood, Kevlar-coated, rainproof prop $250. Terra NAV/COMM $500. Vacuum pump $220. 2 ea seat belt and shoulder harness $85. ea. 58 hrs TT on all. Always hangared. Cashiers check please. Jack Harvey 850-892-2862
FOR SALE: Windscreen mounted in canopy. Light blue tint. No major scratches. $250. Mark Greenwood 615-824-3734, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Q-2 kit. Fuselage, wing, canopy and control surfaces finished. Carbon spars for an unfinished canard. All factory parts and plans. In storage eight years. Allergy to resins forces sale. $2100. E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WANTED: Will pay top dollar for a simple clean-built Onan-powered Quickie. Must have complete logs, in good flying condition and have been hangared. Vicinity of northwest preferred. 425-869-0240 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Q-2, 0 time Revmaster, on the gear, controls installed, surfaces all built, tail feathers removed for storage. Includes a 16' dually trailer to carry home. $6500 OBO, 512-855-3801 - TX
FOR SALE: Q-1, 22.6 hp Onan, 128 hrs TT, 208 landings, LS-1 canard, Thermister fuel gauges, 1 gal/hr fuel consumption, Cabin heat, cut fuselage for easy hauling. Dual brake controls. Ted Kibiuk 315-896-2004 - NY
WANTED: Wood prop about 52" dia/48" pitch to be installed on HAPI VW conversion. (Magnum 75 hp) in a Q-2 project. Contact Gerard by fax at 418-562-7604 or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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