- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Sunday, 30 April 1995 07:11
- Written by Tom Moore
- Hits: 3888
A current member may have one free Ad per month. It may be a maximum of five lines of type and will be edited to fit space available. If you want to take up more space, call for rates. Free advertising is a courtesy and this is not Trade-a-Plane. Items advertised must be for or owned by the member. The Ad contact must be a member name. Company names mean a commercial Ad at QBA current rates. Write for this info.
FOR SALE: TRI-Q. Fresh O'haul on Cont. O-200 by certified mechanic. Airframe 95% complete, std. instrument panel, starter and Gen. electric system. $10,000. Comes complete with a custom Tri-Q trailer. Jack Dempsey (318) 334-3679, 7-9 pm, CST - Louisiana.
Parting-out complete Rotorway RW-100 engine install. LSE CD ignition w/vacuum advance., Slick 4230 mags, HAPI ultracarbs, RMI MicroMonitor, 4" prop ext., Warnke 56x58 prop, O-200 eng. mounts, starter. Alternator, call for complete list. John Derr (505) 281-0969.
QUICKIE - SUPREME! 176 hrs. TT airframe, new Rotax 583 engine and prop. Many spare engine parts. Rotax 503 installation hardware also included. $5300.00 OBO. Chris Barber, 437 Will Raby Road, Toney, AL 35773 (205) 852-8764.
WANTED: Will pay top dollar for Q2 complete documentation set in excellent condition. May also be interested in a Q2 kit for right price. Call Bob, days (509) 928-5169. Nights (509) 448-0155.
Giving up on ONAN? I bought a Quickie kit with everything except firewall forward. I do have the ONAN engine, but need all the around stuff that will make it complete. Cowling, prop hub, engine mounts, etc. Collect OK. Roger (209) 533-0955 - Sonora, CA.
Q-2/200 Kit #2559, carbon fiber spar, glass, hardware, brakes, instruments, all foam cores cut, fuel tanks, canopy and console installed. All plans, templates and jigs. Excellent workmanship. $1,500. Kevin Howard (713) 486-6183.
Q-200 with 375 SMOH Lycoming O-235. Nearly finished. No medical. $10K. (510) 254-7843 for specs and photos.
Warnke 56x52 prop, flown 15 hours, 155 MPH at 2950 RPM, for Revmaster, like new, U.S. $250. Posa Carb $20, Revmaster Oil Pump $20. Kimbull McAndrew, Box 0, Site 19, RR #1, DeWinton, Alberta, T0L 0X0.
FOR SALE: Quickie Prototype N77Q. Industrial engine Onan B48M-GA018, Complete construction plans and parts, Partly completed. $2,000 or best offer. Joe Wasche (218) 346-7650.
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