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Quickie - Q1 - For X-plane Version 9.21


In my "spare" time I've been working on a Quickie Flight Simulator model for X-plane Version 9.21. It's coming along nicely and I should have it posted for sale shortly in the online shop. You'll notice that Terry Crouch was kind enough to let me borrow his paint scheme. Pretty soon we'll all have a chance to fly Terry's plane. Not sure if he'd ever let you fly the real one though! (Maybe if you ask nicely. )

By the way, if you don't currently have a copy of X-plane Version 9 you can save yourself some cash by buying a used copy on Amazon.com

You can find the Windows version here.

Or the MAC version here.

At any rate, STAY TUNED for more developments on this. As always I invite your feedback below, or in the forums.