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Affected by the DTV Switch?

It's been about a week since I made an original post to this website, but it shouldn't have been too noticeable since I scheduled some of the updates to post AFTER the date that I actually wrote them.  (In case you were wondering how the latest video got posted.) Wink

At any rate, I used this time over the last week to update the software that acts as the Wizard Behind the Curtain for this website, and with that, I hope to not only get a little better organized, but also offer some new features in the coming months that I think that all homebuilders can enjoy.

Most of the features that were upgraded in the software won't be visible to the casual browser, but you might have noticed that I moved the list of most recently updated content to the black box at the bottom of each page.  From there you can see the latest site news, most recent article that's been posted, and the most recent comment that was left.

I also updaetd the software running the picture gallery.  Now all of the picture thumbnails appear on a single page, but the large version opens in a cool looking animation.  I hope to be able to put captions on each picture to help them show up in google and other search engines. . . but as always, so much to do. . . so little time! Embarassed

Also over the last week, I got some time to continue working on my canopy frame, and I am extrememly happy with the way it's turning out.  I hope to have all of the videos and pictures of it posted soon.  Again, there will be a new time lapse video of my progress, posted every Wednesday night at midnight (EST).

By the way, all of the TV stations in my area decided to stick with the original date for the transition to Digital Braodcasting.  My wife and I, although we live in town, decided a while back not to watch much TV, so we've been using old school rabbit ears to get any TV we watch.  This meant that because of the poor reception, we watched even less TV.  This has caused lots of our visiting freinds to accuse us of being Amish! But it has afforded us an untold number of hours to work on our own hobbies, including this website, and my airplane.

We decided not to buy a digital converter box, to help us make the transistion to NO TV.  So now that we'll no longer be receiving a TV signal, I should have even more time to work on my hobbies.  I thought I would take a minute to make this post however, to give YOU a second to think about how much TV you watch.  Are there better uses for you or your family's time? 

As always, I invite your feedback either through you comments below or in the forums!

Good luck and happy building!