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Site news with links and other quick information will be posted here.



The Video tutorial above shows you how to submit an article directly to the website.  However, in an effort to make this as easy as possible for anyone who isn't feeling "tech savy" I want you to know that there are other options.

  1. You can e-mail pictures, and the text of your article to me.  If you do not know my e-mail address simply click the "Contact Me" button in the upper right hand corner of every page.  I will respond to your request promptly.

  2. You can also use "Snail Mail" postal delivery to send me hard copies of anything you'd like me to post on the website.  This means you can send me hand written notes and letters, typed articles, film, slides, negatives, pictures, posters, magazines and books.  Just let me know if you'd like the materials returned.  I appreciate any ideas or content you'd like to share.  You can send hard copies to:

Dan Yager
QBA Editor
87 Price Street REAR
Kingston, PA 18704