Hour 81 - Starting Again


I got thinking about how I constructed that jig in the last few videos.  The more I got thinking about it, the more I realized that I knew a better way to build it that required a LOT less plywood.  Also, I needed an article for the latest issue of the Quickie Builders Association newsletter, so I decided to start all over again with my improved design.

Here I am setting up the table saw to cut three pieces of 1/2" plywood that are q foot by four feet.  I then cut each of those in half so that I have six pieces that are 1 foot by 2 feet.  These pieces will form the basis of my new and improved Main Tank construction jig.  Current members of the Quickie Builders Association have access to the full construction video, instructions, and a full sized template that will allow you to make one of your own.

Become a member, and you'll have access to thall this in Q-talk Issue 139 found in the online newlsetter archive!  Or you can just stay tuned for the next few months and see me build the rest of it for free here!   Undecided 

As always I invite your feedback below, or in the forums